"Tear myself up, start again with a brand-new name and eyes that see into infinity..." ~ 30 Seconds to Mars<333

So we last left off with the NORMA JEAN concert synopsis. I've come to the conclusion that although it was violent, I loved it and am going to yet another hXc concert as soon as I can :) I love the style of music and the fact that the shows are full of energy; it's amazing.
Speaking of amazing, I started this thing on MySpace where I decided that I MUST get 1000 friends by the end of the month. In the fury of all the friend requests, I met Dallas, a 17-year-old guy from Oklahoma. Well, we started talking and by Monday we were dating. We still are, but it's starting to get to me because we've never met and I really like involvement...physical involvement...like what I had with Kyle.
Oh, Kyle...yeah, he and I dated...for two days. He dumped me, saying that he didn't really love me and it was impossible for him to. I think it's a load of bull but I don't say anything to him. I still love him with every fiber of my being and want him back! We still talk and hopefully will until he graduates at the end of the year, which brings me to my next subject....
I made my schedule for next year yesterday; my Senior year. And it's pretty awesome; I'm taking alot of computer courses and music courses so my two life goals are pretty much complete (to become a computer/web designer and radio dj). As I was reading over the pamphilet on the SATs (which I'm taking on October 6), it hit me: I'm terrified. I don't want to be a Senior, graduate, and go out into the "real world". I'm not ready! And I remembered: I'm going to be 18 in September :o I'm REALLY not ready for that, mannnn! I don't know what to do! Rocky says to party for the next 5 months then I'll be ready for Senior year, but I just feel like hyperventalating in my bedroom and never coming out :P
Terrified...and still in love with a guy that always hurts me, regardless of what he does...
I need help! lol
*sigh* What to do, what to do?
E-RI-E is coming up within the next 3 weeks and I still don't know my lines for Act I :x I'm good with Act II, though, so that counts for a little.
E-RI-E is coming up within the next 3 weeks and I still don't know my lines for Act I :x I'm good with Act II, though, so that counts for a little.
Can't wait for that to be over though...:P
With that, I think I'll leave before I continue my rambling...hahaha! Although, isn't that what a blog is for? I've always thought so...
until next we meet...
Although I am 2 years elder than you, but by reading your posts, i see that you are one very matured lady..:D
Am sure you will enjoy your future..
Life'll just get more interesting~!
But well, everythg still depends on how you see things around you though..:)
May you enjoy and live your life cool as you are now in the future..