(this would be my favorite song/my song to Kyle...
"Konstantine" - Something Corporate *most amazing song ever written and recorded*)
There are eleven days left of classes, which means only eleven days left with Kyle. I'm sad that he's graduating (no doubt there) but I'm happy he's advancing with his life and going to college. I wish him the best of luck in whatever his life throws his way. And maybe...just maybe, we'll be together again :)
Aside from that, not too much has happened in my life...I just know I'm going to miss him. I have no freakin' clue what I will do next year without him :( Maybe by then he'll have a car and his license and he'll come see me...afterschool, of course :P
Hahaha, before I get too emotional right now I shall go...
I miss my Stitch already...and there's only 11 days left :o :[
The Stitch to my Lilo, The Kouta to my Lucy :-*
Music note :: "Reinventing Your Exit" - underĂ˜ATH <3333