"...Cuz I'm the wishful thinker with the worst intentions and this'll be the last night you get to drop my name..." ~ Taking Back Sunday<333

Yeahh, I don't think she minded watching it :P I personally don't like that video; it's too stoner for me.
Then they started swimming:

Once we got out of the pool:

The Amazing Light Saber Noodle Duel...er, Battle:

All in all, it was a pretty sick nasty party, as Rocky would say :) Rocky drove me home and I pretty much just chilled. I uploaded alot of the photos onto my MySpace and into a whole Facebook album dedicated to this party. Rocky's happy with it.
At about 10pm-ish, Zach called and surprised me. He never calls me, but he says he misses me (insert "awwwww" here). We talked for a while, then I came downstairs, checked everything, then headed to bed :)
Oh, if you're wondering where Kyle is, I tried calling him and his dad told me that they were cutting his hair :( He said he'd tell him I called, but I didn't expect Kyle to call back. And now today he starts working so I have no idea when I'll hear from him again...:( This makes me really sad...
And Rocky's leaving for the entire summer :( First stop today was Pennsylvania to visit his friend, then to Word Of Life Bible Camp, and finally to Freedonia Music Camp. He won't be back until September before school starts...I miss him already! Now who will I talk to about all my problems and who will I go to hXc concert with?! *sigh* Whatever, though...I got to spend the afternoon with him yesterday :) That made me happy!
Well, I think I'll depart now, but I'll come back soon :)
I think I shall leave you with this comparison of Rocky and I:

until next we meet...