Five days left until that final day with Kyle :( I don't know how I'll survive without him here, but as he said, we still have the phone. And maybe once he's at college, he'll get an Email address and we can talk there too.
In case you didn't know, Kyle is my best friend.
Speaking of which, we had a breakthrough on Friday night. I called him to tell him that the guy I was with dumped me (long story), but he wasn't home so I left a message. He actually called me back at about 9:15pm and we talked until 11:30pm, in which alot went on. First, we were how we normally are; he's the and I'm the flirt. Then he got a bit...well...ahem, I think you can figure it out and after he "relieved" himself, he said that he has a love for me and has for a long time. It's not like a sister or a significant other, but he does love me; "why else would I wait for you after school even when you're not there?". I love that man with an everloving passion, and I know I always will. And he will always love me too. We even said it to each other as we hung up Friday. I can't wait to see him tonight afterschool.
In case you didn't know, Kyle is my best friend.
Speaking of which, we had a breakthrough on Friday night. I called him to tell him that the guy I was with dumped me (long story), but he wasn't home so I left a message. He actually called me back at about 9:15pm and we talked until 11:30pm, in which alot went on. First, we were how we normally are; he's the and I'm the flirt. Then he got a bit...well...ahem, I think you can figure it out and after he "relieved" himself, he said that he has a love for me and has for a long time. It's not like a sister or a significant other, but he does love me; "why else would I wait for you after school even when you're not there?". I love that man with an everloving passion, and I know I always will. And he will always love me too. We even said it to each other as we hung up Friday. I can't wait to see him tonight afterschool.

My friend Clayton (see picture above; my beautiful teh hottie) wants to hang out with me tomorrow, but my parents won't let me since he's 20 and I'm 17. I mean, that's not that big of a gap but still...I know why Clayton wants to hang out with me. It's why any guy, except Kyle and Rocky, wants to hang out with me...I have a nice body hahaha! Yeah right; that's just what they all say. Anyways, I might go to Allyson's tomorrow instead and tell him I'm studying and that during the summer would be better for us to hang out during. Especially since I've got 4 Regents exams next week and it's Kyle's graduation on the 23rd.
Not too much else is going on, except I know you want to hear about the most recent guy that dumped me. His name is Chris and we were in E-RI-E together (he played Reverend Johnson while I played Thomas), and during the time of the rehearsals I fell for him but he didn't seem interested in me. Last Tuesday, he IMed me asking what I got in CATS so we started randomly talking about my body and such and then he asked me out. Not even 3 days later, he says I'm too old for him (he's 14 and I'm 17) and that he doesn't see how it would work out for us. I want him back. Age is just a number, I've always believed that. So what I'm prepared to do is tell him that I'm quitting CATS and that it's his fault. I know that sounds mean but it'll work to my advantage in the long run, trust me. I'm only mean if need be, and need be.
With that, I shall depart until further notice.
until next we meet...