Haha, yeahh I know I need to update more but honestly nothing too much goes on in my life worth gushing about or blurting out. It's pretty sad and pathetic most days; I get up, go to summer school, come home, go to CATS rehearsal (thank God this is the last week of the play!), come back home, and either call Kyle or just chill the rest of the night, constantly checking my MySpace or chatting with people on AIM.
Speaking of AIM, Facebook, and MySpace, I met a guy on Facebook named Josh and I decided to IM him yesterday, and wow! He's a-freakin'-mazing! I think I'm falling for a guy I met online :o But yeahh we're chatting now as I'm typing this =]
He's pretty funny! Here's something so that you all can see how funny he is with me:
Josh (10:45:16 PM) : and so, everytday, uoud fight
So today was probably my most interesting day this past week. It was my sister's birthday party (her birthday was Thursday), and my aunt and uncle came, which was cool because I hadn't seen them in like forever. Then Cindy and Anthony came and we hung out until about 11pm. OMGosh, so awesome, except that darn cop kept stalking us even when we weren't doing anything.
We went to Price Chopper and while we were there, I saw my friend Eyn. I talked with him for a bit and he wants me to call him sometime. I might, I don't know though. This was the first time in almost 3 years that we had seen each other and I don't know. It's all different now, I guess. But the same at the same time. It's weird.
But yes, this has been my life so far this past week. As I promise, I'll try to update more often =]
until next we meet...
Speaking of AIM, Facebook, and MySpace, I met a guy on Facebook named Josh and I decided to IM him yesterday, and wow! He's a-freakin'-mazing! I think I'm falling for a guy I met online :o But yeahh we're chatting now as I'm typing this =]
He's pretty funny! Here's something so that you all can see how funny he is with me:
Josh (10:44:36 PM) : I went to this thing in Ohio called 'ragnarok'
Josh (10:44:49 PM) : and what it was was a bunch of kids fighting with foam swords
Josh (10:44:52 PM) : period garb
Josh (10:44:54 PM) : period food
Josh (10:45:09 PM) : basicly, like a big reinaseince fair, with fighting as the main attraction
Josh (10:45:24 PM) : and every night, youd get plastered
Josh (10:45:48 PM) : which is good for us kids, seeing as wed jsut graduated, and were more than happy to aprtake in both events
Josh (10:46:02 PM) : so, one night, i was drinking, and i ahdnt drunk much
Josh (10:46:18 PM) : like, a lil bit of jager and vodka
Josh (10:46:29 PM) : and i was wanderin around, and i ran into a buddy of mine
Josh (10:46:36 PM) : i use the term buddy loosely here
Josh (10:46:45 PM) : and he started feeding me sangria
Josh (10:46:54 PM) : and after the hard liquer id already had...
Josh (10:46:58 PM) : well, it was bad
Josh (10:47:18 PM) : i woke up the next morning, still drunk
Kyle and I are okay. We had a little fight earlier when Cindy and Anthony were around (I'll get to them in a minute), but we're okay now. We just haven't talked too much this week because I was sick again and he was working. I hope we can see each other sometime next week, really, I do. I miss him soooooo much right now, it's not funny. I want to hug and kiss him again =[ I love him more than anything. And despite what I may think, no, he's not trying to push me away; I'm just really on edge right now for some reason. I think I just need sleep haha! Sleep? What's that? =P
Josh (10:51:34 PM) : do you guys paly gutiar hero up there?
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:51:26 PM) : YESSSS!!!!!!!!
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:51:33 PM) : I LOVE Guitar Hero!
Josh (10:51:55 PM) : it is cocaine to my poor rocker heart
Josh (10:46:01 PM) : i was actaully bein followed by some car when i left town...
Josh (10:46:05 PM) : but i ditched em
Josh (10:46:13 PM) : cause my minivan is teh roxxor
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:46:07 PM) : hahaha niice
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:46:20 PM) : although it was me following you 
Josh (10:46:55 PM) : well, if id a known that
Josh (10:47:04 PM) : things woulda turned out a wee bit differently
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:46:58 PM) : hehe
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:47:00 PM) : oh really?
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:47:20 PM) : and what would you have done, eh?
Josh (10:47:56 PM) : ooh
Josh (10:48:05 PM) : many many things not suitible for publlic recitation
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:48:06 PM) : are these good illegal things or bad illegal things?
Josh (10:49:13 PM) : very good... and very legal too
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:49:24 PM) : hehe ok then *imagination is running wild now* 
Josh (10:49:54 PM) : lol
Josh (10:49:58 PM) : and probably running to all the right palces
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:49:58 PM) : hahaha niice 

IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:51:20 PM) : now I'm really curious as to what you'd want to do to me hehehe
Dorklord07 (10:51:59 PM) : well, id start uot up high
Josh (10:52:05 PM) : and then slowly
Josh (10:52:07 PM) : very slowly
Josh (10:52:11 PM) : make my way on down
In other news, I reunited with an old friend named Jon, or as I was introduced to him by the infamous Donny (who I despise at the moment) Moose. He's gotten cuter since the last time I saw him, but I don't think anything will happen between us because (a) he's one of Donny's best friends and that would just be a bit weird for me and (b) I love Kyle more than anything else, and I wouldn't want to hurt him, ever. Ever.
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:52:11 PM) : ah ha lol
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:52:19 PM) : interesting lol...
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:53:35 PM) : and do you think I'd let you do these things to me? 
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:53:36 PM) : hehe
Josh (10:54:14 PM) : lol
Josh (10:54:28 PM) : well, if you didnt, id be in trouble
Josh (10:54:32 PM) : we call taht rape down here
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:54:29 PM) : lol yeahh but I'd let you...
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:54:39 PM) : I'm not that easy though just so you know
Josh (10:55:20 PM) : lol
Josh (10:55:26 PM) : only in hypothetical situations
IFyoUCKristin x9 (11:55:26 PM) : of course lol
So today was probably my most interesting day this past week. It was my sister's birthday party (her birthday was Thursday), and my aunt and uncle came, which was cool because I hadn't seen them in like forever. Then Cindy and Anthony came and we hung out until about 11pm. OMGosh, so awesome, except that darn cop kept stalking us even when we weren't doing anything.
We went to Price Chopper and while we were there, I saw my friend Eyn. I talked with him for a bit and he wants me to call him sometime. I might, I don't know though. This was the first time in almost 3 years that we had seen each other and I don't know. It's all different now, I guess. But the same at the same time. It's weird.
But yes, this has been my life so far this past week. As I promise, I'll try to update more often =]
until next we meet...
It comes up when you google my screenname, and I would rather potential employers not see my story of times at ragnarok.