The subject for this entry is a quote Kyle♥ said to me last night as he looked through the Right Stuf catalog for a Christmas present for me. Right Stuf is the company that put out Gravitation, my favorite Anime. And Eiri Yuki is one character =] That's why it made me giggle, but then I had to remember that Kyle♥ had never seen Gravitation, so I forgave him ;]
Other than that, our trip to New Jersey was alright. I just don't like the beach that much, and I got covered in sand. It sucked like that...but whatever.
Then my little brother's birthday part was fantabulous. I had so much fun on the playground at that park; I might have my Graduation party there.
Jon♥ and I are doing good. We're still together and I'm ecstatic. I was supposed to go see him yesterday but it just didn't work out for us =[ But hopefully next weekend I can see him and hug him and make him mine (as if he isn't already).
Kyle♥ cares so much about me, it makes me ecstatic. Like, every night at 9pm he calls me just to see how I'm doing and we end up talking for hours. It's amazing. I love him♥
Oh, you all have to see the adorable picture my Jon♥ sent me the other day; it made me giggle =]:
^-^ I love it and I love him =]
Alrighty, well...
Oh, yeah....I got a laptop from Amy. And Taryn helped me program the internet and stuff onto it. So BIG thank you to all of them for helping me =D
until next we meet...
Other than that, our trip to New Jersey was alright. I just don't like the beach that much, and I got covered in sand. It sucked like that...but whatever.
Then my little brother's birthday part was fantabulous. I had so much fun on the playground at that park; I might have my Graduation party there.
Jon♥ and I are doing good. We're still together and I'm ecstatic. I was supposed to go see him yesterday but it just didn't work out for us =[ But hopefully next weekend I can see him and hug him and make him mine (as if he isn't already).
Kyle♥ cares so much about me, it makes me ecstatic. Like, every night at 9pm he calls me just to see how I'm doing and we end up talking for hours. It's amazing. I love him♥
Oh, you all have to see the adorable picture my Jon♥ sent me the other day; it made me giggle =]:

Alrighty, well...
Oh, yeah....I got a laptop from Amy. And Taryn helped me program the internet and stuff onto it. So BIG thank you to all of them for helping me =D
until next we meet...