First day back at school, and I already hate it.
Ok, so hate is a strong word. But I really don't like it, except for Psychology. That class is amazing! =] Other than that, I've got Gym everyday and alot of Study Halls, so basically I've got an easy day, if I can keep up with all the work and crap. *sigh* And if one more teacher asks me about Kyle♥, I'm going to flip! I mean, yeah, I love the guy but to hear something about him in all my classes makes me realize how smart he is and, in turn, how stupid I am. But this is my year to show them all that I can be something better than I was in the past. Why do I say this? For the most part, it's because I've got Kyle♥ on my case this year and he won't let me fail. That's just another reason I love him so much =]
In English, we got this packet about writing our College Admissions Essay, and in it, it listed as a good site for blogging. I felt so cool, since that's what I'm using right now =D Honestly, I like this site better than all the others because it's private and small; no one likes it all that much and I can do more HTML and stuff to it and make it more personalized.
Anyways, you better believe I got a couple pictures from today:
^_^ Coty during Study Hall, busying herself by looking through a Science catalog. I still want a plushie germ XDD
Then, I came home and got bored enough to make graphics with Microsoft Paint. Yes, the one that comes with your computer. These just prove how much I miss Kyle♥:
^_^ I surrounded him with the lyrics to the song "Blue and Yellow" by The Used. If you've read my entire blog and know the Kristin-and-Kyle situation, you'll understand why I picked this song to surround him with =]
^_^ Our hands covered in the words to "Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service. I love Kyle♥ and this is a love song =D See the connection? ;]
Well, that was basically my night. I hope Kyle♥ calls me if only for a few minutes after 9 tonight, because that's how much I miss him right now =[ Jon's going to call me and I'm going to tell him to give me a little time to get readjusted to school and stuff then maybe we can try dating again. I really do need to get back into the swing of waking up at 6:30am each morning, which means going to sleep before 2am =P
And with that, I shall leave you all to find an outfit for tomorrow =D
K Star xx: I <3 you AB
aMUSICgMANb8: i know

K Star xx: haha wowwww
aMUSICgMANb8: much luv 2 u 2 KS
K Star xx: yay, I feel loved
until next we meet...
Ok, so hate is a strong word. But I really don't like it, except for Psychology. That class is amazing! =] Other than that, I've got Gym everyday and alot of Study Halls, so basically I've got an easy day, if I can keep up with all the work and crap. *sigh* And if one more teacher asks me about Kyle♥, I'm going to flip! I mean, yeah, I love the guy but to hear something about him in all my classes makes me realize how smart he is and, in turn, how stupid I am. But this is my year to show them all that I can be something better than I was in the past. Why do I say this? For the most part, it's because I've got Kyle♥ on my case this year and he won't let me fail. That's just another reason I love him so much =]
In English, we got this packet about writing our College Admissions Essay, and in it, it listed as a good site for blogging. I felt so cool, since that's what I'm using right now =D Honestly, I like this site better than all the others because it's private and small; no one likes it all that much and I can do more HTML and stuff to it and make it more personalized.
Anyways, you better believe I got a couple pictures from today:

Then, I came home and got bored enough to make graphics with Microsoft Paint. Yes, the one that comes with your computer. These just prove how much I miss Kyle♥:
Well, that was basically my night. I hope Kyle♥ calls me if only for a few minutes after 9 tonight, because that's how much I miss him right now =[ Jon's going to call me and I'm going to tell him to give me a little time to get readjusted to school and stuff then maybe we can try dating again. I really do need to get back into the swing of waking up at 6:30am each morning, which means going to sleep before 2am =P
And with that, I shall leave you all to find an outfit for tomorrow =D
K Star xx: I <3 you AB
aMUSICgMANb8: i know

K Star xx: haha wowwww
aMUSICgMANb8: much luv 2 u 2 KS
K Star xx: yay, I feel loved
aMUSICgMANb8: as u should
until next we meet...