It's such a cute song I'm listening to, "Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me" by hellogoodbye. It's about a guy who writes a letter to this girl he likes.
Anyways, I'm sorry that the last post was me blowing up. Everything's alright now; trust me, I'm a lot better =] I've talked to the people that I was mad at and we're all cool now =D If you really want to know what was going on, let's just say I was having a rough week and a lot was getting to me and I was taking it all personally. But by talking to everyone that made me feel like that [and Kyle♥, of course], I'm over it and back to normal [understatement of the year there =P].
Other than that, I hung out with Clayton yesterday; the second time in almost two weeks =D He's so much fun! I really hope we get to hang out more often =]
Anyways, I'm sorry that the last post was me blowing up. Everything's alright now; trust me, I'm a lot better =] I've talked to the people that I was mad at and we're all cool now =D If you really want to know what was going on, let's just say I was having a rough week and a lot was getting to me and I was taking it all personally. But by talking to everyone that made me feel like that [and Kyle♥, of course], I'm over it and back to normal [understatement of the year there =P].
Other than that, I hung out with Clayton yesterday; the second time in almost two weeks =D He's so much fun! I really hope we get to hang out more often =]

Never forget:
hanging out at Krystina's, Disturbia [25/7], my sucky Guitar Hero/Tetris/Devil May Cry skills, the controller had lube on it, the threesome ;], chocolate syrup and peanut butter, annoying Krystina, and so much more! XD
Other than Clayton coming out to Fort Plain, I've talked to Kyle♥ all weekend and I absolutely love him to death and beyond. He is my best friend through everything, even if I never get to see him anymore =[ Just remember: Winter is almost here, which means cold and that counts as being connected to him. Who am I kidding? I'm connected to him 24/7 with the necklace he gave me =D I never take it off, except to shower.
Well, this is going to be another busy week for me. Aside from normal school, I have to find a job and on Thursday I leave for my Senior trip to BOSTON! I can't wait! I LOOOOOOOVE that place so much! Of course, I'll be bringing this and my cell phone so anyone who wants to keep in contact can, unless you want to wait until Monday the 8th [Kyle♥'s birthday] when I return.
I will most likely return before I leave. Until then, I shall leave you all with a poem I wrote this afternoon to a guy I'm starting to fall hard for:
From the first moment I saw you
I knew you were different
And I had to get to know you
When I tried to
You ignored me
Pushed me away, we could call it
Then things changed
We began talking
Distance isn't always a bad thing
In this case, it brought us closer
And now I'm into to you
More than I can express with my words
Through this poem or communication
I'll do anything
To hear you feel the same for me
But I know that'll probably never happen
I've been hurt so many times before
I'm afraid to let you know
How much you mean to me
Because if I'm damaged again
No one could put the pieces back together
So in essence
I really like you
Find you attractive
Want to be with you
Can you say
You want to be with me too?
until next we meet...
Now playing: Hellogoodbye - Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me
via FoxyTunes
hanging out at Krystina's, Disturbia [25/7], my sucky Guitar Hero/Tetris/Devil May Cry skills, the controller had lube on it, the threesome ;], chocolate syrup and peanut butter, annoying Krystina, and so much more! XD
Other than Clayton coming out to Fort Plain, I've talked to Kyle♥ all weekend and I absolutely love him to death and beyond. He is my best friend through everything, even if I never get to see him anymore =[ Just remember: Winter is almost here, which means cold and that counts as being connected to him. Who am I kidding? I'm connected to him 24/7 with the necklace he gave me =D I never take it off, except to shower.
Well, this is going to be another busy week for me. Aside from normal school, I have to find a job and on Thursday I leave for my Senior trip to BOSTON! I can't wait! I LOOOOOOOVE that place so much! Of course, I'll be bringing this and my cell phone so anyone who wants to keep in contact can, unless you want to wait until Monday the 8th [Kyle♥'s birthday] when I return.
I will most likely return before I leave. Until then, I shall leave you all with a poem I wrote this afternoon to a guy I'm starting to fall hard for:
From the first moment I saw you
I knew you were different
And I had to get to know you
When I tried to
You ignored me
Pushed me away, we could call it
Then things changed
We began talking
Distance isn't always a bad thing
In this case, it brought us closer
And now I'm into to you
More than I can express with my words
Through this poem or communication
I'll do anything
To hear you feel the same for me
But I know that'll probably never happen
I've been hurt so many times before
I'm afraid to let you know
How much you mean to me
Because if I'm damaged again
No one could put the pieces back together
So in essence
I really like you
Find you attractive
Want to be with you
Can you say
You want to be with me too?
until next we meet...
Now playing: Hellogoodbye - Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me
via FoxyTunes
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