Today was actually pretty fun for me. We went to Glimmerglass state park and I went swimming with my friends, Joanna and Melissa. I love those two; they're amazing =]
Then I came home, uploaded pictures, and continued to watch a movie I began this morning called 18 Again!. It has one of my favorite actors in it (Charlie Schlatter) so I loved it.
So here's some of our pictures from Glimmerglass XDD:

Other than all this, I'm just waiting for Jon♥ to call me hopefully. He's missing me, his message he sent me on AIM earlier said so, so I'm hoping if he doesn't call that he's sleeping and seeing me in his dreams =]
Kyle♥ called me at 10:06pm tonight (shocking, since he hates talking on the phone and making calls after ten), and he had gone Christmas shopping in Saratoga. He's still on a search for the Gravitation shirt because he found out that to order it from the catalog he'd need to be a member of the Right Stuf club, which is $15 extra. Sadly, he's not that much of a Right Stuf fan so...he's on a mission to find this shirt. He already bought me the Gravitation pins set from FYE. *sigh* I've tried to tell him that if he can't find the shirt it's ok, but he's determined now =P And there's no stopping a determined Kyle♥, but that's one of the many reasons I love that man.
Speaking of that, Jon♥ feels very threatened by Kyle♥ because for some reason he thinks I may run off with him or something. No I won't, Kyle♥ and I are best friends...maybe with some benefits, but I'm not just going to leave Jon♥ for Kyle♥. I mean, yes, I love Kyle♥ to death, but it would destroy our friendship and all I've worked for if we were to date and pursue a relationship with one another. And Jon♥ loves me with everything he is and worships the ground I walk on. Now why would I want to leave that? ;] My darling has nothing to worry about. At least, when it comes to Kyle♥. Kyle♥'s my Stitch and Jon♥'s my lover =D I want them to attempt to get along, but I know that won't happen; they're both very antisocial =[ But whatever.
Anyways, I'm talking to Cindy on AIM and listening to music, still waiting for Jon♥ to maybe call. Isn't it sad that I'm saying "maybe he'll call"? *sigh*
until next we meet...
Then I came home, uploaded pictures, and continued to watch a movie I began this morning called 18 Again!. It has one of my favorite actors in it (Charlie Schlatter) so I loved it.
So here's some of our pictures from Glimmerglass XDD:

Kyle♥ called me at 10:06pm tonight (shocking, since he hates talking on the phone and making calls after ten), and he had gone Christmas shopping in Saratoga. He's still on a search for the Gravitation shirt because he found out that to order it from the catalog he'd need to be a member of the Right Stuf club, which is $15 extra. Sadly, he's not that much of a Right Stuf fan so...he's on a mission to find this shirt. He already bought me the Gravitation pins set from FYE. *sigh* I've tried to tell him that if he can't find the shirt it's ok, but he's determined now =P And there's no stopping a determined Kyle♥, but that's one of the many reasons I love that man.
Speaking of that, Jon♥ feels very threatened by Kyle♥ because for some reason he thinks I may run off with him or something. No I won't, Kyle♥ and I are best friends...maybe with some benefits, but I'm not just going to leave Jon♥ for Kyle♥. I mean, yes, I love Kyle♥ to death, but it would destroy our friendship and all I've worked for if we were to date and pursue a relationship with one another. And Jon♥ loves me with everything he is and worships the ground I walk on. Now why would I want to leave that? ;] My darling has nothing to worry about. At least, when it comes to Kyle♥. Kyle♥'s my Stitch and Jon♥'s my lover =D I want them to attempt to get along, but I know that won't happen; they're both very antisocial =[ But whatever.
Anyways, I'm talking to Cindy on AIM and listening to music, still waiting for Jon♥ to maybe call. Isn't it sad that I'm saying "maybe he'll call"? *sigh*
until next we meet...