Well, I'm back! Sorry for the long absence, I was grounded for getting a couple failing grades. Eh, it happens, right? When we last left off, Rocky and I were going to go to a hardcore rock show. It was amazing! Painful, because people at Northern Lights are IDIOTS! but the show was amazing!!!! Alesana rocked; I'm so glad I got into them before I went to see them, it made a world of difference. The Devil Wears Prada were pretty cool, although I didn't know any of their songs. CHIODOS could've done so much better but they were alright for another band I knew =] During the concert, Rocky and I almost passed out because that place was packed to the extreme. By the time we left [which we actually stood outside during CHIODOS], we were covered in our sweat, other people's sweat, water, and beer [at least I was; someone chucked a cup at me]. Rocky joked with me when we got to my house by saying, "You smell like BO, but the sad thing is it's not your BO...
This is diary of a crazy, sexy, random, band-&-sitcom junkie chick named Kristin E. Staples aka KristaVolpe.