This may turn into a long drawn out blog entry but I don't know yet. We'll just have to see =]
Last night, Clayton, Krystina, and I hung out from like 7:30pm until 9:30pm at Krystina's house. It was fun, sort of. I started dozing off on Clayton and we cuddled =]
Yupp, he's the black hood on my chest there =P
Krystina hates light bulbs and such, so she lit candles for light...I think she just wanted to set the mood to try and get into Clayton's pants ;] It didn't work anyways =P
He was tired and apparently I make a good pillow =]
So once he and I left, I had to call Kyle♥ back because he called while I was with them, and I really didn't want to talk to him while her video game was blasting and Clayton was on top of me. Kyle♥ and I talked for almost an hour, give or take, and it just made me realize that I miss him more than I've ever missed anyone else =[ Like right now, I just wish I could see him, even if it's just through a window. I love him; he's my best friend and he's been there for me through so much, I don't know what I'd do without him in my life. And I know I've said that way too many times, but it's the truth. I love Kyle♥ and nothing's going to tear us apart. Nothing. No distance, person, nor circumstance will separate us.
We all remember Jon, right? My now ex-boyfriend? Well, he's now not even my friend anymore. He started telling me that I'm mentally unstable, I hide behind all my "issues", and no one understands me. This made me laugh so hard, and when he told me I had to "grow up", all I said was "screw you" and blocked him on AIM. I don't need him. I don't think I ever did; I was just lonely when I dated him, and he took away my loneliness for a time, but then I realized that I didn't need anyone except my true friends. Now he's engaged to some chick in Florida who seems to be as insane as he is, so more power to them, I guess. Whatever. Any guy who believes that The Mad Hatter and Alice from Alice in Wonderland should hook up is completely out of it. And to think, Jon's opposed of incest...hmmm...he makes no sense to me, which is fine because I make no sense to him. Oh, and for the record, I dumped him.
Well, I guess this isn't too long and drawn out but still pretty long =] I think I just kept a lot inside for a while due to the fact that I realized: it's no one's business but my own most of the time. I mean, I share a lot with Cindy, Kyle, and Clayton, but that's about it.
Nest big thing going on with me: I'm going to another concert with Rocky on Friday XD I'll get pictures, don't worry =P
until next we meet...
Now playing: The Prom Kings - Bleeding
via FoxyTunes
Last night, Clayton, Krystina, and I hung out from like 7:30pm until 9:30pm at Krystina's house. It was fun, sort of. I started dozing off on Clayton and we cuddled =]

So once he and I left, I had to call Kyle♥ back because he called while I was with them, and I really didn't want to talk to him while her video game was blasting and Clayton was on top of me. Kyle♥ and I talked for almost an hour, give or take, and it just made me realize that I miss him more than I've ever missed anyone else =[ Like right now, I just wish I could see him, even if it's just through a window. I love him; he's my best friend and he's been there for me through so much, I don't know what I'd do without him in my life. And I know I've said that way too many times, but it's the truth. I love Kyle♥ and nothing's going to tear us apart. Nothing. No distance, person, nor circumstance will separate us.
We all remember Jon, right? My now ex-boyfriend? Well, he's now not even my friend anymore. He started telling me that I'm mentally unstable, I hide behind all my "issues", and no one understands me. This made me laugh so hard, and when he told me I had to "grow up", all I said was "screw you" and blocked him on AIM. I don't need him. I don't think I ever did; I was just lonely when I dated him, and he took away my loneliness for a time, but then I realized that I didn't need anyone except my true friends. Now he's engaged to some chick in Florida who seems to be as insane as he is, so more power to them, I guess. Whatever. Any guy who believes that The Mad Hatter and Alice from Alice in Wonderland should hook up is completely out of it. And to think, Jon's opposed of incest...hmmm...he makes no sense to me, which is fine because I make no sense to him. Oh, and for the record, I dumped him.
Well, I guess this isn't too long and drawn out but still pretty long =] I think I just kept a lot inside for a while due to the fact that I realized: it's no one's business but my own most of the time. I mean, I share a lot with Cindy, Kyle, and Clayton, but that's about it.
Nest big thing going on with me: I'm going to another concert with Rocky on Friday XD I'll get pictures, don't worry =P
until next we meet...
Now playing: The Prom Kings - Bleeding
via FoxyTunes