"...but please and listen cuz I'm breaking my heart tonight so you can see what's inside..." ~ The Rocket Summer<333

Anyways, that new guy I was slightly interested in, John, decided he was going to freak out over everything and we now don't talk much. I think the most we'll say to each other is "hey, how are you?" He thought I fell for him too quickly, which in actuality I didn't love him; I was only crushing. But whatever, his loss.
Jeremie started talking to me again, but we haven't said two words to each other in almost a week so whatever.
I decided that the only guy worth my love is Kyle and I think it's going to stay that way for a long time. He's the only one that's been there for me through everything and, yes, he's pushed me away, but then he's realized that he actually needs me in his life and now he's my best friend that I miss more and more each day. We've been Emailing back and forth, on and off, since Saturday, but it's not the same as being with each other, you know? He sent me a picture of himself that he took Saturday and I went completely fan-girl; it's now my desktop wallpaper XD
Other than all this, I'm out of school until next Monday, thanks to Thanksgiving =] I borrowed the book, Twilight, from my school's library in hopes of figuring out what all the hype about it is. I mean, I've looked at pictures of Edward Cullen and yes, he's attractive but so is Reese from Malcolm in the Middle and I was one of the few who went all fan-groupie over him.
But yes, this is being x-posted here and into my LiveJournal, because I realized that I missed the people over there =]
until next we meet...
Now playing: The Rocket Summer - What We Hate, We Make
via FoxyTunes