Figured since I haven't updated at all in November, I'd let you all get into the life of Kristin. It's been an interesting ride, let me tell you.
So on October 26, Jeremie and I officially met and I thought it went rather well. He seemed like a sweet guy who liked me, but looks can be deceiving.
^ Cute again...and to make everything better, right now "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap just came on =[....ughh, and finally...
In case you didn't get it, after he met me, he left me, took me back, and traded me in on Friday for someone else. Someone, who while we were hanging out, he told me was a creep and that he'd never do anything with, but whatever. I was heartbroken, but I'm over it now.
I, too, found someone better XD His name is John and he's an Anime fanatic like Kyle♥, and he's adorable [I plan on doing a Photoshop picture of him and I'll put it in here]. We're just getting to know each other at the moment, and he says he doesn't want a relationship but I think once he meets me he'll like me. He liked talking on the phone with me, which I've heard is extraordinary because he hates the phone. He's adorable, and he knows XD
Kyle♥ and I are doing alright. We're just friends, officially, although I love him more than life itself. He came to the school last Tuesday and I was at a funeral so I didn't get to see him, which made me mad until he called me later that night and explained everything; he basically only went to see a couple of the teachers and maybe me. I just miss him more than I could ever explain. I miss his voice not on the phone, I miss his hugs that he hates giving, I miss the playful fighting we used to do, I miss clutching onto his arm in the lobby of the school. I MISS MY STITCH!!!! He's all I write about when I can free-write in English, he's in my dreams, I sleep with a Stitch that I treat as if it's him. I miss him more than words can describe. And he knows, and he misses me too...I can't wait until the holidays because we'll exchange gifts and such and we'll be with one another again XD *does a happy dance*
But other than that, I was in a talent competition last Friday, and even though I didn't win anything I still had fun doing it =] I can't wait to perform again soon XD I love singing and owning the stage; it's amazing <3
Well, I don't know when I'll be back again, but I hope you all enjoy reading my life and I promise I'll be soon =]
until next we meet...
Now playing: Alesana - The Last Three Letters
via FoxyTunes
So on October 26, Jeremie and I officially met and I thought it went rather well. He seemed like a sweet guy who liked me, but looks can be deceiving.

I, too, found someone better XD His name is John and he's an Anime fanatic like Kyle♥, and he's adorable [I plan on doing a Photoshop picture of him and I'll put it in here]. We're just getting to know each other at the moment, and he says he doesn't want a relationship but I think once he meets me he'll like me. He liked talking on the phone with me, which I've heard is extraordinary because he hates the phone. He's adorable, and he knows XD
Kyle♥ and I are doing alright. We're just friends, officially, although I love him more than life itself. He came to the school last Tuesday and I was at a funeral so I didn't get to see him, which made me mad until he called me later that night and explained everything; he basically only went to see a couple of the teachers and maybe me. I just miss him more than I could ever explain. I miss his voice not on the phone, I miss his hugs that he hates giving, I miss the playful fighting we used to do, I miss clutching onto his arm in the lobby of the school. I MISS MY STITCH!!!! He's all I write about when I can free-write in English, he's in my dreams, I sleep with a Stitch that I treat as if it's him. I miss him more than words can describe. And he knows, and he misses me too...I can't wait until the holidays because we'll exchange gifts and such and we'll be with one another again XD *does a happy dance*
But other than that, I was in a talent competition last Friday, and even though I didn't win anything I still had fun doing it =] I can't wait to perform again soon XD I love singing and owning the stage; it's amazing <3
Well, I don't know when I'll be back again, but I hope you all enjoy reading my life and I promise I'll be soon =]
until next we meet...
Now playing: Alesana - The Last Three Letters
via FoxyTunes
1st of all : What a jerk that Jeremie guy is. How could he left you, took you back and traded you? Such mean things to do to a person...
2ndly : I'm glad that you've found another better guy. =)
Lastly : Gosh... Time difference between my place and ur place. It's so tough to IM you. So... If you got facebook add me k? That'll be easier for us to keep in touch. Add me =) (Facebook : Jeannie Yeoh)
Reply me ya?
Anywhere... Blog / Facebook, don't matter... =D