If you think about it, being in love is simply settling for someone you really get along with who has similar interests that you can't describe why you feel the way you do for them but you do and it's an amazing feeling.
I've always wanted to believe that love and all things related was like this biiiiig beautiful rainbow of stuff that happened and we'd all live happily ever after. WRONG! Love is exactly what my quote above says; settling for that one person who makes you happy and you get along with.
Now, I've had my share of bad relationships, let's not kid ourselves, but honestly I take each one and use it towards discovering what I really want out of a longer lasting one. For instance, in my last relationship the guy I was with would walk around his town with me and show me everywhere he used to work or hang out at; I felt like I was getting a deeper understanding of him. I liked that. Unfortunately, he's addicted to pot; that I didn't like. There have been several instances like this where I feel like I'm becoming a part of their world, and really that's what I would like to be. A part of who they are and they would be a part of me (the key to the heart concept). Another guy and I could stay on the phone for hours on end, just talking about what we used to say was "everything and nothing all at once"; LOVED that! However, he cannot hold a steady relationship without panicking; HATED that. Communication is the basis of all relationships; without it, the relationship will die.
But my biggest discovery above every other one I've made throughout any of my failed relationships has been BE CONFIDENT! Seriously, the only guys you're going to get by being a "Oh, I suck a life and should just go die" type of girl are the ones who only want one thing. If you're overly cocky, however, you're going to get those guys too...or you'll just end up alone with your oversized ego. Be a happy medium. Let your natural talents shine through and be yourself.
Why am I posted this tonight of all nights? Recently, I've been through a lot of romance emotions: I've attempted getting James back. That failed. Kyle said he wanted me. I don't want him so FAIL. I tried getting Spencer back tonight. That failed. I sat back and wondered, "Gee, maybe I don't need a man right now." I mean, let's face it, the guy I really want isn't looking to date or anything right now; he's trying to fully move on so he can have a healthy relationship once that's over. Maybe I should consider doing the same because if we think about it I haven't been single in over a year. I think it's time for Kristin to just be Kristin (or KristaVolpe or Arcadia Elizabeth or...you get my point :]). I WILL be happy being single! And if I falter, I have my friends to back me up.
until next we meet...
I've always wanted to believe that love and all things related was like this biiiiig beautiful rainbow of stuff that happened and we'd all live happily ever after. WRONG! Love is exactly what my quote above says; settling for that one person who makes you happy and you get along with.
Now, I've had my share of bad relationships, let's not kid ourselves, but honestly I take each one and use it towards discovering what I really want out of a longer lasting one. For instance, in my last relationship the guy I was with would walk around his town with me and show me everywhere he used to work or hang out at; I felt like I was getting a deeper understanding of him. I liked that. Unfortunately, he's addicted to pot; that I didn't like. There have been several instances like this where I feel like I'm becoming a part of their world, and really that's what I would like to be. A part of who they are and they would be a part of me (the key to the heart concept). Another guy and I could stay on the phone for hours on end, just talking about what we used to say was "everything and nothing all at once"; LOVED that! However, he cannot hold a steady relationship without panicking; HATED that. Communication is the basis of all relationships; without it, the relationship will die.
But my biggest discovery above every other one I've made throughout any of my failed relationships has been BE CONFIDENT! Seriously, the only guys you're going to get by being a "Oh, I suck a life and should just go die" type of girl are the ones who only want one thing. If you're overly cocky, however, you're going to get those guys too...or you'll just end up alone with your oversized ego. Be a happy medium. Let your natural talents shine through and be yourself.
Why am I posted this tonight of all nights? Recently, I've been through a lot of romance emotions: I've attempted getting James back. That failed. Kyle said he wanted me. I don't want him so FAIL. I tried getting Spencer back tonight. That failed. I sat back and wondered, "Gee, maybe I don't need a man right now." I mean, let's face it, the guy I really want isn't looking to date or anything right now; he's trying to fully move on so he can have a healthy relationship once that's over. Maybe I should consider doing the same because if we think about it I haven't been single in over a year. I think it's time for Kristin to just be Kristin (or KristaVolpe or Arcadia Elizabeth or...you get my point :]). I WILL be happy being single! And if I falter, I have my friends to back me up.
until next we meet...
Sounds like you've got your head on straight, so you'll be fine.
Either that or you'll turn into a pot-smoking commitment-phobe ;)
Just realize you linked to me on your page. <3's!
(That's a heart, not a sideways triangle 3)
(OK, Technically it's a sideways triangle 3, but think of it as a heart)
Don't worry, I HATE potheads (even though I dated one for 2 months); I could NEVER do the stuff D: It's disgusting and kills brain cells. Let's face it, I'm not all there all the time :P
<3! back at ya :]
<3 <3 <3 <3
'Love Is A Shadow, When you Chase It, It Runs Away, When You Turn And Walk, It Follows You'
'Its Not About Finding Someone You Can Live With, But Someone You Can't Live Without'
Yes, Im A Sap And I Make Up/Steal quotes alot, Ahh wells XD