Ahhh, Ludo! They just did a release of their first 2 albums that if you're a good little fan like me you've had since last year XD But seriously, go check out Broken Bride and Ludo at a record/entertainment store near you :)
Anyways, my harmless plug for my favorite band is over now XD
I hung out with Tawny, in which we ran into another woman we work with named Jenny, and we all checked out the Food Co-Op. They have my favorite tea in already for Christmas; Celestial Seasonings Nutcracker Suite <3 We also discussed work and the like but for my company's privacy I won't post our discussion in here (although I'd like to).
Then came home, ate dinner, and talked to the infamous exboyfriend who just HAD to lawyer me (as usual). Lawyering is where he puts me in my place with evidence to back it up; like, he's not just doing it to be a douchetool. But whatever: someday I WILL get him...and it will feel ahhh-mazing! XD *evil giggle* I do miss him and his friends in Ithaca. We all need to hang out again :D
Alright, with that I will leave you all for some Big Bang Theory, maybe? Oh, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, why are you so hot and brainy? :-*

until next we meet...
Anyways, my harmless plug for my favorite band is over now XD
I hung out with Tawny, in which we ran into another woman we work with named Jenny, and we all checked out the Food Co-Op. They have my favorite tea in already for Christmas; Celestial Seasonings Nutcracker Suite <3 We also discussed work and the like but for my company's privacy I won't post our discussion in here (although I'd like to).
Then came home, ate dinner, and talked to the infamous exboyfriend who just HAD to lawyer me (as usual). Lawyering is where he puts me in my place with evidence to back it up; like, he's not just doing it to be a douchetool. But whatever: someday I WILL get him...and it will feel ahhh-mazing! XD *evil giggle* I do miss him and his friends in Ithaca. We all need to hang out again :D
Alright, with that I will leave you all for some Big Bang Theory, maybe? Oh, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, why are you so hot and brainy? :-*

until next we meet...
You know how much I love Ludo! (and love to quote them)
I only just bought You're Awful, I Love You!
I guess it's back to the store for me
You MUSTMUSTMUST go at least listen to "Hum Along" <3 It's my all-time favorite Ludo song EVER! :D