Ahhh, the song "Oil and Water" by Incubus. It fits so many situations in life.
For starters, FM denied my Academic Probation so unless I can pay for my classes myself I cannot go. This sucks...a lot.
Oh, and even before that, my family and I gave my cat Claire away to a new family :/ I miss her...she's so pretty....:(
[First picture was went she was just a little over 2 months old and the other is from November.]

But on a happier note...
Yesterday I was at Stewart's with my sister and I started thinking about the Hopeless Romantic Hobo I met about a year ago with Cindy, and I wonder what ever became of him? Is he still hopelessly romantic? Did he get the girl of his dreams that he was traveling across country for? Did he even get to his destination?! So many unanswered questions...that will never get answered because I just know the guy's first name :/ I don't think I can Google "Hopeless Romantic Hobo" and get his information :P Maybe I should be a romantic hobo....hmmmm....nah!
Speaking of "romance", that boyyy and I are still quite close but not together. You see, I've backed off a little (A LOT for what I'm used to doing :x) and maybe--just maybe--he will be mine soon <3333 Sigh, one can hope!
Okay, with that, I shall depart to go to sleepyland since I need to wake up early to go to work :[ Mehhh!
OH! I want to start an MP3 Email Exchange where we all send each other MP3s and the like. If anyone's interested, let me know and leave me your Email address :3 Please? This seems like fun for me! <33
until next we meet...
For starters, FM denied my Academic Probation so unless I can pay for my classes myself I cannot go. This sucks...a lot.
Oh, and even before that, my family and I gave my cat Claire away to a new family :/ I miss her...she's so pretty....:(
[First picture was went she was just a little over 2 months old and the other is from November.]

But on a happier note...
Yesterday I was at Stewart's with my sister and I started thinking about the Hopeless Romantic Hobo I met about a year ago with Cindy, and I wonder what ever became of him? Is he still hopelessly romantic? Did he get the girl of his dreams that he was traveling across country for? Did he even get to his destination?! So many unanswered questions...that will never get answered because I just know the guy's first name :/ I don't think I can Google "Hopeless Romantic Hobo" and get his information :P Maybe I should be a romantic hobo....hmmmm....nah!
Speaking of "romance", that boyyy and I are still quite close but not together. You see, I've backed off a little (A LOT for what I'm used to doing :x) and maybe--just maybe--he will be mine soon <3333 Sigh, one can hope!
Okay, with that, I shall depart to go to sleepyland since I need to wake up early to go to work :[ Mehhh!
OH! I want to start an MP3 Email Exchange where we all send each other MP3s and the like. If anyone's interested, let me know and leave me your Email address :3 Please? This seems like fun for me! <33
until next we meet...