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Random venting session at 12:30am

The old adage says "Old habits die hard". Well, in my life, it seems to be "Exboyfriends don't know when enough is enough". For instance, just when I start to get over one of them, 3 of them come out of the woodwork and begin attempting to woo me back. Seriously, some of them I've dated 2, 3, even 4 times; it's just a hopeless cause if we got back together. I can honestly tell you how it would end and when, and that's pretty bad.
For right now I'm living the "Whatever happens, happens" lifestyle, and I'm loving it. I get to be me and not have to answer to anyone over anything. Yes, I still look to Dollface, Cora, and now Lvlien for advice, but that's a given. I don't have all the answers to everything, and sometimes they seem to :)

"I've got no strife; I'm loving life. Could you say the same?" ~ Smash Mouth :)
until next we meet...


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