Blah. Meh. Ugh. Those have been my emotions all day today and for good reason too. It all started last night when OKCupid Taylor started obsessively IMing me over and over asking if I was there and finally saying "I love how I waited for 6 hours and you never came back :/". When I answered him, he told me I'm disrespectful and inconsiderate, and I'm sorry; when an 18-year-old boy is telling me I'm disrespectful and who knows nothing about me doesn't sit well with me. So I went to send Cora a text, basically saying Taylor could jump off a bridge for all I cared...only I accidentally sent it to Taylor instead of Cora :o Needless to say, he flipped out saying I don't know him and he's done with me, but I apologized and explained myself and we seem to be okay now. We've been talking most of today :) Casey just told me that he and I wouldn't be a thing again, which reallyyyy crushed me because I like him a lot. Heck, I even got into YuGiOh so we...
This is diary of a crazy, sexy, random, band-&-sitcom junkie chick named Kristin E. Staples aka KristaVolpe.