I officially had the day from hell until about ten minutes ago when I talked with Josh and he made me feel better =] He's amazing, and I'm so glad I met him through Facebook and MySpace XDD It all started at Dress Rehearsal for CATS when I sat on this fake rocking horse thing and it snapped. You better believe that everyone was on my case after that, so I was deemed the klutz for the day there. Then by the middle of rehearsal I realized I'm like the only one there who's single, but I do like someone in the cast. The problem is he's only 15; and no it's not Chris (over him!). I was about 4 feet away from this guy and I just couldn't do anything. I felt frozen. Then I get home and was completely stressed out and blew up at my little brother because he threw a ball at my butt. I don't know why, he just did. And finally, I called Kyle, who I decided that we need space from each other because we're just not talking like we used to and it depresse...
This is diary of a crazy, sexy, random, band-&-sitcom junkie chick named Kristin E. Staples aka KristaVolpe.