It finally happened. Yes, I, Kristin E. Staples, have accepted defeat with that boyyy. Seriously, after 8 years you'd think he would want to try dating me, not be scared to hurt me. He honestly doesn't realize that keeping me hanging like this has hurt me, and unless he reads this he won't know. Whatever, though. Apparently he's not the one, and if he is it's going to be MUCH longer before we're together. I get that he's been hurt in past relationships before, I really do...because so have I! Seriously, if I could remember how many guys told me that we were going to get married, be together forever, they'd never leave my side, that they can't imagine their lives without me, blah blah blah...well, let's just say I could write an excellent chick flick or novel. *sigh* I really really reallyyyy like this one though; giving up on him is probably one of the hardest things I've had to do in forever :/ To be completely honest, I'm only giving up...
This is diary of a crazy, sexy, random, band-&-sitcom junkie chick named Kristin E. Staples aka KristaVolpe.